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Bakery Equipment

The bakery industry usually refers to the grain-based food industry. Grain-based foods may include breads, cakes, pies, pastries, baked pet treats, and similar foods. Along with bakeries, the industry consists of the equipment, supplies, and delivery drivers used to support the industry. With all the required steps on manufacturing bread, RGMTSI team strives to achieve providing the most efficient bakery equipment for making bread. From milling to baking and packaging we have all the right equipment for all your baking needs.

Topping Systems

Toppings can be applied in several ways. This can include the scoring of bread or the application of toppings such as grains, seeds and kernels. Applying a rice paste creates the well-known look of the tiger bread.

Topping Systems

  • Produce little noise.
  • Consistent dosing of material that ends up on product.
  • Hygienic design.
  • The fill funnel can be easily removed from the conveyor belt for cleaning/maintenance (motor is fixed to support structure).
  • Dispensing roll made to measure in accordance with the customer’s wishes.
  • Variable speeds.
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Robotic Scoring System

The baker scores dough products with a knife before they go into the oven for the product to open in a controlled way during baking. Above all, this is the baker’s signature on the product. A good or bad cut can make or break the bread. We have automated this operation. However, the market has changed over the years and there is an increasing demand for a huge variety of freestanding bread in all sizes, shapes and flavours. These in turn all have their own ‘signature’, for which our automated 3D vision-controlled cutting robots can be used successfully.

Robotic Scoring System

  • Suitable for a wide variety of doughs, product shapes/orientations, scoring patterns and hydration.
  • High-performance precision scoring.
  • Consistent positioning and depth of cut.
  • High product output.
  • High machine availability.
  • Reproducible quality.
  • Fast ROI.
  • Limited human input.
  • Lower labour costs.
  • 24/7 operation.
  • Lower risk of accidents.
  • No human contact, contamination.
  • Robot (6 axis) allows for extremely flexible setup (shape, angle, position, contour)
  • Randomly positioned products, freestanding
  • User friendly HMI (recipe management)
  • Highest reproducibility
  • Changes to cutting pattern at the touch of a button
  • Compliant with the strictest hygiene standards
  • Build according to the highest industry standards
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XY Scoring System

The baker scores dough products with a knife before they go into the oven for the product to open in a controlled way during baking. Above all, this is the baker’s signature on the product. A good or bad cut can make or break the bread. We have automated this operation. However, the market has changed over the years and there is an increasing demand for a huge variety of freestanding bread in all sizes, shapes and flavours. These in turn all have their own ‘signature’, for which our automated 3D vision-controlled cutting robots can be used successfully.

XY Scoring System

  • Suitable for a wide variety of doughs, product shapes/orientations, scoring patterns and hydration.
  • High-performance precision scoring.
  • Consistent positioning and depth of cut.
  • High product output.
  • High machine availability.
  • Reproducible quality.
  • Fast ROI.
  • Limited human input.
  • Lower labour costs.
  • 24/7 operation.
  • Lower risk of accidents.
  • No human contact, contamination.
  • High output
  • Robust, proven technology
  • Fixed product position and orientation
  • Compliant with the strictest hygiene standards
  • Build according to the highest industry standards
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Thermo Oil Oven

Baking using Thermo-oil technology.

Thermo Oil Oven

  • Provides stable baked products with volume.
  • A controlled and accurate temperature control ensures a beautifully colored crust and earlier reaching of the baking temperature in the core.
  • Softer dough with a high water percentage possible.
  • Low temperature difference between the oil and the temperature in the baking chamber.
  • The energy demand can be controlled very precisely by the amount of oil.
  • Heat conduction to the core of the product. Maximum distribution of the heat radiation and a very high radiation coefficient.
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Cyclothermic Oven

Baking using Clclothermic technology.

Cyclothermic Oven

  • Very consistent baking result.
  • Energy saving by production gap control.
  • Very even baking result on the side of the oven (also with very wide ovens).
  • Optimal control on each specific baking profile.
  • Optimal steam control.
  • Very efficient vertical turbo convection zones for consistently baked products
  • Control of product coloring.
  • Operation control on one side of the oven.
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Impingement Oven

Baking using Impingement technology.

Impingement Oven

  • Suitable for a wide product range.
  • Modular oven.
  • Easy to operate which ensures optimal control over the baking time, the temperature of each zone, the air circulation, the humidity, etc.
  • Low operation costs.
  • Easy to maintain.
  • Available with electrical heater.
  • Short installation time.
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Direct Gas Fired Oven

Baking using Direct gas fired technology.

Direct Gas Fired Oven

  • Simple and modular design.
  • Shorter baking time.
  • Optimally adjustable thanks to the number of burners.
  • Very good heat transfer.
  • Easy to maintain.
  • Can reach high temperatures.
  • Energy saving system.
  • Adjustable 3 flame burners to balance the oven.
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Electric Oven

Baking using Electric technology.

Electric Oven

  • Very precise baking because the heat can be distributed very evenly over the baking chamber.
  • Wide range of temperatures possible, even very high temperatures.
  • No CO2 emissions
  • Very compact construction
  • Available in: Continuous ovens, Batch ovens, Multi-deck ovens.
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Fakir Depanner

The Fakir Depanner uses several pins (fingers) to push groups of products from a flat baking tray or a buffer belt onto an outfeed conveyor belt.

Fakir Depanner

  • Products are moved while maintaining the pattern.
  • Processing of sensitive products such as croissants, and in particular filled croissants.
  • No external changes visible.
  • Depanner can be changed according to product (suction, needle or finger).
  • Finger plate easy to remove and clean when needed.
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Suction Depanner

The Suction Depanner is designed to very gently remove baked products from the baking form or baking tray. A vacuum head is positioned above the baking forms according to the so-called Pick-and-Place principle (using the Multi-Place Unit). The (interchangeable) suction head picks up the product and places it on the cooling belt. The dimensions of the machine and the number of vacuum heads are determined by the capacity of the production line, the dimensions of the baking forms, the arrangement, etc.Each machine is custom made and equipped with a vacuum system.

Suction Depanner

  • You thought there was a placeholder text here, but it was me DIO!
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Notice: For foreign customers, please contact us through our contact page.