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Bakery Equipment

The bakery industry usually refers to the grain-based food industry. Grain-based foods may include breads, cakes, pies, pastries, baked pet treats, and similar foods. Along with bakeries, the industry consists of the equipment, supplies, and delivery drivers used to support the industry. With all the required steps on manufacturing bread, RGMTSI team strives to achieve providing the most efficient bakery equipment for making bread. From milling to baking and packaging we have all the right equipment for all your baking needs.

Scrabble Depanner

The Scrabbler Depanner can be used to remove small bread from flat baking trays (although raised edges should not be a problem). The most important aspect of the Scrabbler is a short conveyor belt with a “small entrance nose”. Often a soft round and driven brush is placed above the pick-up point to prevent the products from rolling back.

Scrabble Depanner

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Turn Over Depanner

The Turn-Over Depanner picks up a number of bread shapes (depending on the capacity of the machine) and turns them around. During this movement, loaves are prevented from falling out. The empty baking forms are then returned to the conveyor belt. The baked products leave the depanner on the cooling belt.

Turn Over Depanner

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Needle Depanner

The Needle Depanner is designed to pick up fragile baked products from the baking tray when the Suction Depanner cannot be used The dimensions of the machine are determined by the capacity of the production line, the dimensions of the baking trays, etc. A head with protruding needles is positioned above the baking trays according to the so-called Pick-and-Place principle. The needles are inserted at an angle into the product. The product is then lifted and placed on the cooling belt.

Needle Depanner

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Indoor Storage Silos

Indoor storing silos and discharge systems for bulk flours. The silo is designed for loading from bulk tankers or a bag tipping station. The product is fed into the silo through the filling pipe and the air is filtered by the silo fabric, ensuring a safe, hygienic and clean environment. The product is extracted through a vibrating bin for further screw or pneumatic conveying. The silos can be equipped with instrumentation such as level sensors, load cells for live inventory or pressure sensors.

Indoor Storage Silos

  • Made of HTP High Tenacity Polyester – antistatic
  • Food compliant, hygienic, and safe
  • Economical
  • ATEX compliant Directive 94/9/EC
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Vacuum Weighing Systems

Vacuum conveying is used when a dust free work environment matters. It is best employed where the product is conveyed from several feeding points (bag tipping station or silos), to one delivery point. The delivery point can be for example a dough mixer or a cooking vessel. The conveyed materials are accurately weighed before they dispense.

Vacuum Weighing Systems

  • Dust free, closed system
  • Gentle and low-wear for materials
  • Accurate
  • Flexible for future expansions
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Inline Vibrating Screen

Security sieve for sifting out foreign materials, dissolving of product lumps and fluidizing the product in pressure-tight operation, respectively pneumatic conveying systems. Safety screens can also be used for bag emptying stations to reduce the risk of contamination by pieces of paper, string, and other contaminants from the bagged material. Vibrating sieves are particularly suitable for fragile products such as semolina or sugar. The material is fed through the inlet piping. The filter material vibrates freely and therefore cleans itself automatically. Coarse material is discharged via a tailings container and the sieved product is conveyed to a collecting cone where it can be handled to the receiver cyclones.

Inline Vibrating Screen

  • Screening in-line on pneumatic conveyor
  • Handles fragile products
  • Flow rate from 1 to 10 t / h
  • Automatic discharge of coarse product
  • Sanitary design
  • Quick access to the screen
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Inline Rotating Screen

Security sieve for sifting out foreign materials, dissolving of product lumps and fluidizing the product in pressure-tight operation, respectively pneumatic conveying systems. Safety screens can also be used for bag emptying stations to reduce the risk of contamination by pieces of paper, string, and other contaminants from the bagged material. Rotary sieves allow precision sieving down to 400 µm. The material is fed into the body of the screen and conveyed by a screw to a perforated pre-screen for the protection of the filter. A motor drives the shaft with the feeding screw and the beater shaft. The beaters circulate the product gently through the mesh. Coarse material is discharged via a separate tailings container and the product sifted is transported to a collecting cone where it can be further handled. The design of the rotary screens allows quick, tool-free removal of the filter and rotating shaft for inspection and cleaning. The opening of the door is secured by position switches for unexpected start of the sieve. The bearings are sealed by double bearings with compressed air bleeding. Delivered complete with ground support, tailings container, inspection hatch.

Inline Rotating Screen

  • Screening in-line on pneumatic conveyor up to 400 µm
  • Flow rate from 1 to 10 t / h
  • Automatic discharge of coarse product
  • Sanitary design
  • Quick access to the screen
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Batch Mixer for Bakery

The fluid bed mixer is the ideal machine to obtain highest quality mixtures in perfectly reproducible batches with capacities from 2 to 20 t/h per packing line. It not only works for complex premix and ready-mix formulas for bread, cakes and specialty bakery products, but also for soup and ice cream powders. It is suitable for mixing of solid materials in powder and granular form, with the addition of oil and liquids up to 10% (moistening + granulation). The particular shape, the position and the speed of rotation of the mixing tools create a centrifugal swirling movement that enables materials to be projected in three-dimensional manner and to mix. This ensures that components with different particle size and density are perfectly blended with high precision within the shortest possible time. The formation of dead spots or slow-movement zones in the mixing drum is prevented ensuring precise mixing. The solution with fully extractable rotor shaft on suspended guides allows the operator to easily access each point within the mixing chamber, allowing complete cleaning of the same and the rotor shaft. An excellent solution for use in industries where cleaning of the equipment after every recipe change is of fundamental importance.

Batch Mixer for Bakery

  • Fast and intensive mixing < 120 sec.
  • High mixing accuracy
  • Addition of oil and liquids
  • Easy cleaning and access for inspection
  • Perfect homogeneity and reproducibility of the mix
  • Cleanable design / CIP
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Continuous Mixer for Flour Correction

The Dosing-Mixing station allows to correct the flours by continuously incorporating and homogenizing improvers with Wheat flour. Six (6) differential feeders are used to dose the ingredients, these can be volumetric or loss-in-weight. The feeders can be manually or automatically refilled from holding hoppers upon a refilling alarm. A PLC allows for recipe formulation together with receiving the flour flow data. This ensures that the dosing rate of each feeder immediately varies according to the flour rate. Mixing is carried out by a continuous homogenizing screw with 3 dimensional mixing tools. Dosing rates from 0,003% to 6%.

Continuous Mixer for Flour Correction

  • Fine addition and perfect mixing of Improvers into Flour
  • Continuous flow, reduced labor
  • Continuous dosing, controlled, perfectly dosed and tracked
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Flour Cooling System

Flour cooling is required in automated operations to maintain a uniform temperature of the dough and avoid the addition of the ice. The Flour Cooling System allows to cool the flour dispensed from silos, as well as regulating the temperature by programming a set point. The flour is mixed with cold air in an intermediate hopper located in between the flour silos and the flour dispensing station. The cold air is generated by a heat exchanger and continuously circulates in the bin via a high pressure fan and a fluidizing bed. The air is perfectly homogenized with the flour to give a uniform temperature. A temperature probe monitors the temperature of the flour and control the heat exchanger till the set point of the temperature. Throughput from 1 to 2 t/h per unit. Cooling up to 16° from the initial temperature (Δ T 16°C). The bin is insulated and jacketed to guarantee optimum cooling and prevent condensation.

Flour Cooling System

  • From 30°C in silo to 14°C in mixer
  • Provides uniform temperature of the dough throughout the year
  • Avoids addition of ice
  • Improves mixing
  • Low operating cost
  • (no CO2)
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