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  5. Beef Hock Cutter

Beef Hock Cutter

30CL-1 hydraulically powered fore and hind beef hock and horn cutters.


  • Used for front and hind beef hock cutting through the bone or joint. Also an effective beef dehorner.
  • With a 1.5 second cutting cycle, it is a high production, high performance tool -used extensively for the most demanding applications.
  • Anti-tie down controls and dual control triggers for operator safety.
  • Please note the pinch point, thumb and trigger guards on both tools, as shown in the above photos.
  • Meets national and international requirements for safety and hygiene.
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Possible Application(s)

Beef Hock Cutter is best suited for:

Related Industries

Beef Hock Cutter is mostly used in the manufacturing of the following industry products:

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